

Through an NCRIS grant to the University of Queensland, the Australian Government is the main funder of the TERN Australia project. The Head Office; Data Services and Analytics platform; Biocomplexity Unit (including the Threatened Species Index); TERN-CoastRI; Engagement; and Education activities of the TERN project are hosted at the University of Queensland in Brisbane.

The University of Queensland contracts many universities and CSIRO to operate components of the Ecosystem Observatory and undertake Modelling and Synthesis. Among the collaborator are CSIRO, Adelaide University, James Cook University, Queensland University of Technology, Australian National University, University of Western Sydney, University of Western Australia and University of New South Wales. These partners contract further universities to undertake specific site activities.

The strategic intent, engagement and scientific direction of the TERN Australia project are guided by a number of Advisory committees to ensure TERN Australia’s activities are aligned with national priorities and support Australia’s world-leading research in the environmental sciences.

The main advisory committees of TERN that support the project’s governance are the TERN Advisory Board and its Science Advisory Committee and the TERN Executive Committee.

TERN Executive Group
  • Chair - TERN Director
Science Advisory Committee
  • Distinguished Prof Belinda Medlyn – Chair 
  • Dr Margaret Byrne PSM- Deputy Chair
  • Prof Adrienne Nicotra
  • Prof Alex McBratney FAA
  • Prof Andy Pitman AO FAA
  • Mr Jim Walker
  • Prof Megan Lewis
  • Dr Ross Wilkinson


Subcommittees &
working groups of the TERN Advisory Board

TERN Advisory Board

Independent members and representatives of the Lead Agent and Operational Partners provide advice on the overall strategic direction, management and performance of TERN and establishment of longer-term national strategic goals. The Advisory Board receives advice from TERN’s independent Science Advisory Committee. 

TERN Science Advisory Committee

Members are outstanding leaders in their respective disciplines. The Committee provides independent advice to the Advisory Board relating to the role of national research infrastructure in meeting national and regional science priorities.

TERN Executive Group

TERN’s Director and the Platform Lead personnel specified in contracts between the University of Queensland and partner institutions, along with invited operational staff from the central office and each Platform, comprise the TERN Executive Group. This group works with the Science Advisory Committee and TERN Advisory Board to ensure the strategic intent of TERN is put into operation.

Key Operating Partners