
Australian Mangrove Management

The Australian Mangrove and Saltmarsh Network (AMSN) is a researcher community seeking to address management issues that face tidal wetland habitats around the world. The AMSN’s annual meeting in November 2024 was therefore an ideal opportunity for TERN’s coast team to catch up with this expert network in Brisbane to enlist their advice on where to locate further coastal research infrastructure for monitoring sea level inundation.


To achieve this goal, the TERN coast team ran a workshop at the AMSN conference with the aim of utilising the diverse experience and knowledge of mangrove researchers to help create and inform the future of the OzSET network, which currently comprises over 300 Surface Elevation Tables (SETs) monitoring changes in tidal wetland elevation.

Rod Surface Elevation Table consisting of stainless steel rods forming a bench mark. Yandina, Qld (Image: C. Lovelock)

The OzSET workshop focussed discussion on a TERN’s goal of building an Australia-wide perspective for monitoring sea-level changes in vegetated coastal wetlands. It also explored ideas on how the OzSET network might expand to fill geographic gaps. 

Extending the Surface Elevation Table network

Immediately before the AMSN workshop, the TERN coasts team made a trip to Mungalla, Station north Queensland, catching up with the Traditional Owners and CSIRO to help install 15 Surface Elevation Tables (SETs). This was a great opportunity to not only expand the OzSET network but for the team members to align their field practices and work towards establishing standard operating procedures for OzSET.

The study design involves capturing the surface elevation dynamics occurring above and below the causeway (bund) wall with reference sites in mangrove forest in the lesser disturbed mangroves.

Mungalla Station is on the land of the Nywaigi Aboriginal people near Ingham in Queensland. It is a cattle property with extensive wetlands and since 1999 the property has been owned and managed by the Nywaigi Traditional Owners.

The installation of Rod Surface Elevation Tables RSET at Mungalla Station
The Mungalla OzSET install team, left to right: Madeline Goddard (TERN), Vicki Bennion (TERN), Aramai Cassidy (Mungalla Station), Mayara de Oliveira (UQ), Harry Cooper (UQ) and Adam Bourke (CDU).

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