
Long-term ecological research in Australia

In June, the Ecological Society of Australia and the Ecosystem Science Council asked Australian ecologists about their experiences and thoughts on long-term ecological research (LTER) in Australia.

Of the 105 respondents, most thought that:

  • ‘constraints of short-term funding cycles’ is the biggest challenge for LTER in Australia (69%), followed by lack of interest from funders and policymakers in supporting LTER (57%);
  • dedicated funding schemes (72%) are one of the most important things needed to advance LTER in Australia, along with networks for collaboration amongst people working in LTER (51%); and
  • an LTER Community of Practice would provide the opportunity to collaborate on research projects (59%), advocate collectively for LTER (58%), and share practical advice and experience on doing LTER (55%).

The results of the survey have been used to organise a meeting for those interested in helping to lead an AusLTER Community of Practice. If you would like to be involved, please contact ESA President Bek Christensen.

ILTER East Asia-Pacific Regional Network Conference

You are also invited to attend or present at the 13th International LTER East Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, to be held online from 8-9 September.

The theme of the conference is Citizen Science in supporting long-term ecological-social monitoring systems and there are sessions on topics including biogeochemical and eco-hydrological dynamics, urban ecology, ecosystem monitoring and eDNA.

The conference provides a wonderful opportunity for Australian ecosystem scientists to present their work on an international stage and TERN encourages both emerging and established researchers to submit abstracts.

Abstracts for this conference need to be emailed to TERN, Australia’s representative on ILTER, by 20 August.  Click here for more information on registration and abstract submission.

Note:  ILTER East Asia-Pacific, ILTER Europe and ILTER USA comprise three regional networks that include 39 member networks operating more than 600 sites and which overall make up ILTER, the International Long Term Research network of networks. Australia falls within the East Asia-Pacific region. Australia’s membership of ILTER is maintained by TERN for the benefit of all Australian LTER scientists. Participation in ILTER and its international and regional science conferences is therefore open to anyone in Australia.

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