Working out how much carbon can be stored in the landscape
July 1, 2012
It makes sense for an industrialised country, with a relatively small population, a high annual rate of carbon dioxide emissions per person, and a very ...
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Study focuses on movement of carbon in estuaries
July 1, 2012
Coastal ecosystems are likely to be significant carbon sinks for Australia. We’re starting to come to grips with carbon dynamics on land, but what’s ...
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Big questions need big solutions: Australia’s carbon cycle
July 1, 2012
At work at the OzFlux tower at the Chowilla site in South Australia …one of 23 flux towers around Australia and New Zealand Unprecedented ...
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Detecting forest structure from space
July 1, 2012
Australia’s sheer size poses challenges for those conducting ecosystem monitoring programs – it is simply not feasible to have teams of people on the ground ...
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Savanna supersite to explain relationship between fire and carbon
July 1, 2012
Beautiful Litchfield National Park is being developed as a new site in the Australian Supersite Network. The Litchfield Savanna Supersite (LSS) represents high rainfall tropical ...
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Will the carbon economy be good for biodiversity?
July 1, 2012
Many countries have already adopted a range of social and economic mechanisms and incentives to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions or improve carbon sequestration, and thereby reduce ...
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Assessing rangeland ecosystem trends across Australia
June 1, 2012
Rick Flitton and Emrys Leitch, members of the AusPlots Northern Territory Field Team, establishing a rangelands monitoring quadrat in the Finke Bioregion, Northern Territory. ...
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Benefits of ‘soft’ research infrastructure for Australia’s ecosystem scientists
June 1, 2012
Efficient processing and management of the very large and complex datasets generated by ecosystem monitoring programs can be a real headache, especially for individual scientists ...
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Nuances of a network: a new structure for the Multi-Scale Plot Network
June 1, 2012
TERN’s Multi-Scale Plot Network (MSPN) Facility has recently confirmed a new operating structure designed to streamline workflows and ensure the network can focus maximum resources ...
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Share and share alike: $1M funding brings SHaRED research data to scientist’s desktop
June 1, 2012
TERN’s Eco-informatics Facility is excited to receive close to $1M from the National eResearch Collaboration Tools and Resources (NeCTAR) project to create a new eResearch tool ...
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