
Alice Mulga SuperSite​

TERN’s Alice Mulga SuperSite is approximately 200 km north of Alice Springs on Pine Hill Cattle Station in the Northern Territory. It lies in the expansive arid and semi-arid portion of mainland Australia that receives less than 500 mm of annual rainfall. The traditional owners of these lands are the Anmatyerre Nation.

Explore the Alice Mulga SuperSite with our interactive Walkthrough here.

Site Infrastructure & Characteristics

SuperSite Research Infrastructure
  • Two eddy-covariance flux towers
  • Sapflux sensors
  • Groundwater bores with nested piezometers
  • Acoustic monitor
  • Phenocam
  • Six 1 ha Surveillance monitoring plots
  • Airborne LiDAR and hyperspectral imagery calibrated using SLATS star transects, leaf sampling, tree structure and LAI measurements
SuperSite Details
  • Vegetation type: Mulga and non-Acacia woodland, hummock grassland and River Red Gum forest
  • Elevation: ~560 m
  • Rainfall: ~280 mm/yr
  • Mean Temperature: ~30°C
  • Soils: eutrophic red kandosol

Site Research

Research using the Alice Mulga SuperSite aims to:

Featured Dataset

This dataset consists of measurements of the exchange of energy and mass between the surface and the atmospheric boundary-layer in semi-arid Mulga woodland, using eddy covariance techniques.

More Datasets

Site Partners

Research Publications

Since its inception, TERN’s infrastructure has enabled the publication of more than 1600 peer-reviewed scientific journal articles or books.

Key Operating Partners